Saturday, January 29, 2011

Excuses? Not anymore

So one of the tasks I have to do for the pre-season of Michelle Bridges is to list my excuses and solutions.  Didn't realise I had so many.  But I do - see below:

Internal Excuses:
1. I'm busy. don't have time
2. I have to travel to get to work
3. gyms are expensive
4. I'm to fat to be seen exercising in public
5. Don't like sweating
6. Don't like pain
7. I fear injury
8. I hate drinking water

1. if the leader of the country can find the time, why can't I? instead of trying to find 1 session of 1hr i should try 3 sessions of 20 minutes of intensity.
2. go to bed earlier at night so I can get up earlier in the morning to exercise before i have to go to work
3. get a home gym *done*
4. exercise at home (see solution 3)
5. sweat is good, use better deoderant, shower once finished, plan exercise so it doesn't interupt your daily routine
6. GORD aggravates when exercising, get Pariet and kick butt *done*
7. It's going to happen at some point just stop worrying about it
8. water is good for you, find some ways to spruce it up - add a bit of lemon or lime or by sparkling.

External Excuses (within my control)
1. work want me to stay longer hours
2. its raining
3. its too hot
4. hubby like me the way I am
5. my animals constantly interupt me
6. hubby interupts me
7. other people interupt me

1. do it occcasionally, don't make a habit of it
2. exercise indoors
3. exercise indoors
4. he'll like you more when you like yourself more.
5. incorporate them into your exercise (walk the dog is a great plan)
6. get him into exercising *done* yay to this one
7. be polite but put yourself first, if they care about me they will understand, and if they don't then they are most likely door-to-door salemen and can go get stuffed.

External Excuses (beyond my control):
1. i'm pregnant (and yes this could be controlled but once it happens it's not)
2. I'm injured
3. I'm financially strapped
4. my depression is out of control
5. i can't access the internet to get my exercise and diet plans

1. i'm sure with help from the doctor we can find pregnancy safe exercises and diet
2. again with the doctor, look into alternatives
3. you've got a supportive family, I'm sure they can help out with healthy food, you know your mum does help now
4. exercise and diet is good for this, just ask your doctor once again (see the theme)
5. ha ha to that, you already have them all printed off and you also have Michelle's books, so how is that an excuse any more?

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