So I went in and had my lap-band placed in at S.J.O.G Murdoch at 9.30am on Tuesday the 20th of September. There was a lady in the room with me also having a band put in and she did remarkably well. She actually got to go home on the Wednesday. I was allowed to go home on the Wednesday but as I was suffering nausea they said I could stay another night to be on the safe side and hubby suggested I stay one more night. At least they have the drugs on hand when you need them. Still slightly nauseous today but I think a lot of it has to do with the gas and the shoulder pain.
There's been a lot more changes to the process post op since I last had the band put in and so have been devouring all this new information.
I have 5 scars, and they are in the same spot as the 5 from when it was removed and of course those were in the same place as the original placement. This is great for me as it means that I don't have multiple scars for these ops just the same ones and as I don't have too much issue with scarring it's great.
Anyways, here is a little hello video from me :)
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