Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Post Op - Day 8

It's weigh in day for me for the 12wbt, and guess what I am 6kg down from my weight on the day of my operation. Woohoo me. Means I only have 1.5kg to go until I am back at the weight I was at the end of round 2 pre-op for lapband removal.

I think a lot of that weight loss can be attributed to the healthy options I chose to have during that week in the way of soups - all 12wbt recipes watered down to a broth-like consistency.

Next week I'll be doing soups and protein shakes, at least the soups won't need to be watered down just pureed.

Only drawback so far is that I still have lots of gas (burping and farting a lot) and the shoulder tip pain is unbearable. I hope it goes away soon.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Post Op - Day 3

So I went in and had my lap-band placed in at S.J.O.G Murdoch at 9.30am on Tuesday the 20th of September. There was a lady in the room with me also having a band put in and she did remarkably well. She actually got to go home on the Wednesday. I was allowed to go home on the Wednesday but as I was suffering nausea they said I could stay another night to be on the safe side and hubby suggested I stay one more night. At least they have the drugs on hand when you need them. Still slightly nauseous today but I think a lot of it has to do with the gas and the shoulder pain.

There's been a lot more changes to the process post op since I last had the band put in and so have been devouring all this new information.

I have 5 scars, and they are in the same spot as the 5 from when it was removed and of course those were in the same place as the original placement. This is great for me as it means that I don't have multiple scars for these ops just the same ones and as I don't have too much issue with scarring it's great.

Anyways, here is a little hello video from me :)

Monday, September 19, 2011

Tomorrow begins a brand new chapter

Tomorrow I go back into hospital to have my much needed lap-band put back in.

Having gained over 8kg since having it removed, it has confirmed to me that in my weight-loss journey for me to succeed I cannot do it without the lap-band.

Here's to tomorrow. A video blog will come in a few days time after I get back out of hospital.

Bec xx

Sunday, September 11, 2011

I really need to get into this Blogging thingo

So, from now on I will regularly update my blog.

It's going to be the one thing that keeps me honest as everyone can see what is going in with me and pull me back into line if need be.

Here is my latest video update, pretty much catching up on the past 2 weeks worth of preseason tasks.

With the round kicking off tomorrow - Monday 12th September - It's time to be the better person that I know I can be.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Pictures really do show the results

So I came across some pictures hidden away in a box.
The ones on the left are when I was size 26/28 and the ones on the right are more recent (taken in Brisbane at the 12wbt workout and finale) and I am a size 16/18.

I'm in a happy place knowing I have changed so much.