Thursday, February 3, 2011

Rock Bottom

It's been coming for weeks now.  Thought I could hold it off.  It took hold instead.  I hit rock bottom and that is where I stay at the moment.  The climb back up seems to far to do yet.  I need some tools to help me make that climb. 

Got an appointment with the doctor on saturday morning.  It's a start.

Bec can do it - but not right now :(

1 comment:

  1. Bec, I've been at rock bottom. I hit it and refused to accept it and then unbelievably sunk lower. I remember that doctors visit I was made to go to oh so well. Couldn't get a single word out. Its taken time, but with help from doctors and psychologists I climbed back out.

    Rock Bottom can be a good thing. I know that sounds stupid, but it can be a way of your body and soul just saying "enough" and you will eventually climb back out. Give yourself time, love and understanding. Go to the doctors, follow their advice. See a psychologist if you can. More importantly, just take the time to love yourself and recover.

    One day, I promise, you will get amazing strength from being able to look at just how far you have climbed. Rock Bottom, in hindsight, was a good thing for me. Made me realise that I'm not wonderwoman. Made me re-evaluate and concentrate on what and who was important to me. I'm still climbing, still struggle, but I am getting there!

    YOU CAN DO THIS! Time, love, understanding!

    Paula xxxx
