Sunday, January 30, 2011

Never Give Up

Found this awesome poem today.  It's from another blogger on blogspot -

Don't Quit

When things go wrong as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all up hill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow--
You may succeed with another blow,
Success is failure turned inside out--
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit--
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.

Edgar A. Guest

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Excuses? Not anymore

So one of the tasks I have to do for the pre-season of Michelle Bridges is to list my excuses and solutions.  Didn't realise I had so many.  But I do - see below:

Internal Excuses:
1. I'm busy. don't have time
2. I have to travel to get to work
3. gyms are expensive
4. I'm to fat to be seen exercising in public
5. Don't like sweating
6. Don't like pain
7. I fear injury
8. I hate drinking water

1. if the leader of the country can find the time, why can't I? instead of trying to find 1 session of 1hr i should try 3 sessions of 20 minutes of intensity.
2. go to bed earlier at night so I can get up earlier in the morning to exercise before i have to go to work
3. get a home gym *done*
4. exercise at home (see solution 3)
5. sweat is good, use better deoderant, shower once finished, plan exercise so it doesn't interupt your daily routine
6. GORD aggravates when exercising, get Pariet and kick butt *done*
7. It's going to happen at some point just stop worrying about it
8. water is good for you, find some ways to spruce it up - add a bit of lemon or lime or by sparkling.

External Excuses (within my control)
1. work want me to stay longer hours
2. its raining
3. its too hot
4. hubby like me the way I am
5. my animals constantly interupt me
6. hubby interupts me
7. other people interupt me

1. do it occcasionally, don't make a habit of it
2. exercise indoors
3. exercise indoors
4. he'll like you more when you like yourself more.
5. incorporate them into your exercise (walk the dog is a great plan)
6. get him into exercising *done* yay to this one
7. be polite but put yourself first, if they care about me they will understand, and if they don't then they are most likely door-to-door salemen and can go get stuffed.

External Excuses (beyond my control):
1. i'm pregnant (and yes this could be controlled but once it happens it's not)
2. I'm injured
3. I'm financially strapped
4. my depression is out of control
5. i can't access the internet to get my exercise and diet plans

1. i'm sure with help from the doctor we can find pregnancy safe exercises and diet
2. again with the doctor, look into alternatives
3. you've got a supportive family, I'm sure they can help out with healthy food, you know your mum does help now
4. exercise and diet is good for this, just ask your doctor once again (see the theme)
5. ha ha to that, you already have them all printed off and you also have Michelle's books, so how is that an excuse any more?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Unwanted Visitors

Well good ol' Aunty Flo arrived today.  She came with her moodswings, her erratic emotions, her cravings and just all around messy.  Didn't want her to visit this month, in fact would have been happy if she had not come to visit for at least the better part of this year.  Alas, she came, and hopefully she is only here for a few days.

Can't wait until tomorrow, going to Doc's to get my prescription of Pariet.  This means I can really get back into the diet and able to eat the foods I need to in my diet (onions and tomatoes for an example) and it will allow me to exercise.

Anyways, gotta go and do my 2nd task for the Michelle Bridges challenge.  Might pop back in with an update once I complete it.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

To Be or Not To Be

So, I am feeling a little sad.  Firstly, I heard my step-mum's dog of 17 years passed away today.  She was a beautiful white poodle, and she had been sick for a little while, but still, it's sad when they are like a member of the family.  My heart goes out to my step mum Sue and my step-sisters Lisa, Jo and Nicola.

I am also feeling down in the dumps because although my period is not due until friday, I can't help but keep POAS (peeing on a stick) to see if I am pregnant.  Unfortunately I have been getting Big Fat Negatives.  When I test on Sunday, I put it down to testing too early, but it being late on a Tuesday and only 3 days before Aunt Flo is due, you would think that if one was pregnant I'd be able to tell by now.  Hubby is very optomistic and told me to keep hoping until "she" arrives, however, I just don't feel optomistic.  To make matters worse, I am suffering a range of symptoms that can be attributed to being pregnant as much as not being pregnant - sore breasts, heartburn, frequent urination, high temps, moodiness, bloating, "stool" problems, flu-like symptoms.  I really wish I could not feel so much emotionally invested in this, but I don't know how to change that.

Well, at least if AF comes, I can channel my energy into the 12WBT and hopefully smash some weightloss goals instead.

Monday, January 24, 2011

I feel strange

Just a short post.  Feeling strange today.  Can't really put my finger on it, but just have an odd feeling.  Can't really tell if it's a good or a bad feeling, it's just a weird feeling.

I am thinking it may be down to being tired.  So have taken some multivitamins and will have an early night me thinks.

Bec xx

Saturday, January 22, 2011

A New Blog - A New Year - A New Me

So, its 2011.  I have set myself some challenges and some goals, and have decided to document my journey this year, good or bad, by way of a blog.  I am not the funniest writer, and a few spelling and grammatical errors will creep in I am sure, but what I will try and do is be real.

Today, I joined Michelle Bridges 12WBT.  I did this last year and lost 8.5kg but unfortunately put it all back on just about.  But it does work.  And with no Xmas period coming up it means I can be more focused.

I am also trying to start a family, and being obese, it means that losing weight is very important.  I also just recently got diagnosed with GORD (gastro-oesophageal reflux disease ) and have to wait a week to see the doctor to renew my subscription for Pariet.  The unfortunate symptom of my GORD is extreme dibilitating pain in my chest when I try to exercise more than a little bit of walking.  But once I have the tablets it will be full steam ahead.

I am also trying to start a family and have been plotting my temperatures with my lovely electronic thermometor, testing my LH levels using pee sticks, spitting on a microscope, checking my cervical fluid, and just plain old logging my moods etc.  This is the first time I have done this and this month timed the deed with hubby to the days I was supposed to be most fertile.  TTM is due on Friday 28 Jan, and hubby and I are hoping it never comes, however, I have done an early pregnancy test and got a big fat negative so the signs don't look that good this month, but there is still hope until Friday.

SO, here's to the new blog, the new year and a new me.

And if I can remember, lot's of posts.